Monday, March 9, 2009

TYPESHED 11 - New Zealand

I am finally back after a great trip to New Zealand. One fine month of amazing places and great people. TypeSHED 11 was a great conference. 

We arrived in Wellington the final night of Sevens - a huge crazy rugby tournament ... where everyone dresses up the same and in groups. Thousand of crazy people everywhere. The next day our craziness started with trying to find someone that sell corn starch packaging peanuts for our installation happening on Thursday. This was no small feat. With our ethnocentric values, we assumed we would find them. The challenging feat involved trying to mix up the material in our hotel kitchen to calling everyone in the country --- finally rounding up some. The building process started Tuesday afternoon and continued until Wednesday evening. 

Thursday was the workshop where we launched these letters NEXT TIME into the water. Participants at the workshop also constructed words and objects and launched these too. We found the perfect setting for this. An island in Wellington bay that is a park reserve - Matiu/Somes Island Reserve. Matt the park ranger was most helpful.

The wind was shifting from the north to the south which made the launch a bit difficult. The disappearing type happened very quickly and before we knew it, it was heading out to sea, with the tide and wind on our side.

It was a fun filled day with so many great people. 

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